Chapter Activities and Projects
The DAR’s mission, which is realized through projects and programs at the national, state, and chapter levels, is to promote education, historic preservation, and patriotism. We in the Gold Trail Chapter, NSDAR, contribute to the national mission through the following activities and projects.

Our chapter’s educational projects focus on the youth in our community and nation. We award certificates and cash prizes for several of the programs we sponsor, which include:
- Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) medals for high school and college cadets
American History Essay contests, for cash prizes
DAR Good Citizens awards for high school seniors
Outstanding American History Teacher awards
Constitution Week educational programs
U.S. Flag presentations to new schools
Contributions to DAR scholarship funds
Conducting fundraisers and sending cash donations to DAR schools for disadvantaged youth; We also send holiday cards and gifts to the students.
- Providing reading tutors at local elementary schools
- Supporting local elementary and middle schools with needed supplies for students
Historic Preservation

Our chapter’s historical preservation projects involve a variety of conservation and genealogy topics. Several of our chapter members are experts in historical and genealogical research. Some of our programs include:
Presenting community awards for conservation, outstanding citizens, and American heritage
Making donations to support the renovation of local, state, and national historical buildings and sites
Sending donations of cash and books to support the DAR Library in Washington, D.C., one of the largest and most important genealogy libraries in the world
Conducting workshops at local libraries to assist the public with genealogical research

Our chapter’s numerous patriotic projects include:
Giving out thousands of U.S. Flags at public events
Election Day service at polls in Placer County
Sending “care packages” and Christmas cards to U.S. soldiers in the field
The Gold Trail Chapter, NSDAR, places special emphasis on service to veterans through:
Volunteering at the Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center at Mather
Donations of cash, books, clothing, and other items to homeless, disabled, and injured veterans’ programs.
Presence at and support for veterans’ events and memorials
Participation in Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS), the largest federal government volunteer program
*Photos courtesy of chapter members
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution